Unplug the OLD, Plug in the NEW

I have an ancient Mac laptop, tastefully protected by a light pink protector which matches my light pink desk cover which matches my pink computer mouse AND rose colored metal pencil holders and organizers as well. I was in a ‘pink/rose’ phase. Good grief!

My ancient laptop no longer has the memory or capability to update to the latest Chrome, Google won’t accept her as she is and along with the really cool PINK touchpad fingering cover I indeed need to unplug the ol’ gal and start using what I already have that is a bazillion times ‘way cooler’ than the old lady, my ancient writing friend.

This morning I unplugged the power block, rolled up the cord, placed the pink covered Mac back inside the pink fabric carry case – but I haven’t zipped it shut – yet. You see, there are many files on that computer and even though I can’t really access the document forms I need, nor the quick access guides for help, part of me is still in my computer partner.

I unplugged her and I plugged in my new writing partner, it’s not the same, it’s different, upgraded, faster, ‘way more’ memory, the touch of the keypads are even amazingly a perfect fit for my hands. In so many ways the upgrade is better. I’m the one that needs to plug into the new and just stay there-in the here ad now! To begin to dwell in the new and llet the old keep it’s perfect place in the past and move on not held back by the past. Unplug.

Unplugging for me means learning new ways to accomplish new tasks with the foundation of the old being informed by the new formats and styles. Building upon a firm foundation and embracing the new, fast growing creativity found in the virtual world. Unplugging doesn’t mean I throw away was has gone before it means I embrace it’s wisdom and literally plug in the new computer iPad given to me by someone that knew I really needed it, even though I received the gift with great joy, even though I said I would use it – it took the passing of my OLD writing friend becoming totally outdated to help me, force me, to unplug the old and plug in the new.

Honestly, I’m wondering why it has taken me so long to transition and to believe the new way would be better and more enjoyable, as well as put in a new learning curve to challenge me in the process – something I also didn’t realize I DID need.

The world of tech is crazy fast, ever changing, and quite frankly a bit intimidating when you are a bit behind in updates (too many to report the number.) It takes time to update, upgrade, stay updated and stay upgraded – a daily habit (maybe weekly) – and one that if you get behind, the ‘behinder’ you get when you stay plugged into the OLD instead of embracing the NEW. 😉

Happy New Year!

Stacey, the new and improved? (Smile)

Just Being SILLY

The thought: “Funny Bone Activated” first came to my thoughts to title this silliness unbridled banter. Then the Question: What in the world is the purpose of the Funny Bone anyway? Is it real, imagined or just a term for the ‘Funny Zone’ through words?

Nonsense comes to mind, favorites list wildly in my head, abstract words, pictures and well quite frankly, silly, foolish, nonsense, gullible, fruitless banter crashes on the sides of my grey matter, jingle jangling in silly thoughts and wondrous Fourth of July Fireworks.

Through space and time funny things randomly hit the funny bone in each person. What is funny to one is stupid to others. What is funny to most, some totally miss – context, context, context.

Does anyone really care what is funny to the masses if it is funny to you?

Does a sense of humor, random triggers and cultural history of word fun and shared experiences effect the funny bone? Again, does ‘it’ really exist?

I’ve decided the funny bone is just an expression to categorize those things that trigger a person’s individual sense of humor and once activated (sense of humor) the funny bone is activated.

Laughter is an important component of “funny bone” activation, it is the outward demonstration of the inner funny bone activation.

If you have gotten this far in the post, either you are totally confused, mad or your funny, ironic funny bone has actually been activated and a ‘chuckle’ results…the beginning step for full ‘funny bone’ activation.


I’m just being silly and random, playing with words and thoughts on the page.

A vacation in word play form, a funny bone weird reflection.

Enjoy your own spin on the ‘funny bone’ reflection in your own life.

Stace | weird blog on laughter | Tis the season for merriment and silliness with no rhyme or reason…

Funny Bird Picture code name: Funny Bone 🙂

The Best Thing

November 3, 2022 – Positive Thots =

I Just Don’t Remember quite right…

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

There are things that happen, or things that are said that it is a wonderful new skill to actually not remember!!!

Not be responsible to be the ‘brain of the household’ knowing where all items are located at all times, for all purposes.

Not the ‘housewife’ just a wife that lives in a house. – there IS a difference folks!

Not to be the encyclopedia of answers or know all the conversations that happen within the space of an evening – IF the TV is running non-stop in the background.


Not being able to cook, carry on two conversations, make sure the cat is fed and has water, while the TV is playing my favorite movie – well folks my brain has a dickens of a time switching from one thing to another quickly, well actually switching at all from one thing to another – no go friend :(. So…no go on doing more than one thing at a time! Multi-tasking? Huh? Nope? Ain’t happening! 🙂

Then… that still, tiny, worry voice crops up from the bottom of my heart and says, “Stacey, will you ever be able to be ‘you’ again?” Answer: NO

TRUTH: No one person is the same from day to day.

I have just gone from my zany self to a very simple, one track minded person, and even then the one track gets easily de-railed. “Choo Choo, I think I can” story = comes to mind and off I go on another train of mind – literally (good grief:).

I smile at myself. And giggle. Then silence, my mind goes blank and nothing brings back what was supposed to come next – even if I rest – it is just gone, lost, and now I think that is probably a good thing?

In all this… I find the grace that is needed, from the source that is perfect and full of everything I need. The source of all things, the creator, the redeemer and my friend = Jesus. (Bible)

It’s a good place to be right now… Healing from a head trauma 🙂

A Creative Person?

by Stacey Britton | May 23, 2019 | Blog: A Creative Person?

I’ve never thought of collecting data for lessons as an act of creativity.

Nor have I thought tallying point for a choice day particularly creative.

More like survival for the best of teachers. Data represents thought, and in this case the thoughts of a growing person. Points represent choices by groups of little people working together toward one goal, choice by choice.

When I began thinking about a teaching career I never thought of these things and how they connect to supporting a child’s social development, stability, trust and encouragement. The tally mark represents so many things in the music room. This I NEVER thought about. Tonight, it is foremost in my mind…

Tonight as I begin to enter a copious amount of data into a district grade recording system, I am reflecting on the power of the tally mark. It’s daily impact on my life and the life of my students. The silent vote system that is one of the basic foundations of VOICE – singing and speaking, predicting and finding solutions, the tally mark is effecting my life tonight and will for several nights ahead. Let’s see, 350 students each student receives 3 music grades, (3×350=1050 grades) each grade represent at least 100 tally entries for each student for Semester one and the same for Semester two .(1050×100=105,000×2=210,000) I’m probably missing a few thousand somewhere!

At least 210,000 tallies! Sometimes just one tally means grading a test (10/20 questions = 1 tally) and if I really wanted to show you my two-2 inch binders full of observations, grades, and so forth I would. But then I haven’t even begun to share about lesson planning, building rubrics, creating power points, exit question forms, check in quizzes AND I have not even spent one moment teaching YET :->. (more, more and more…)

In my wildest dreams I would have not thought that a tally mark was creative, nor in keeping track of all the jots and tittles, the little details, would that help me be a particularly creative, fun teacher. BUT IT HAS and tally, or observing and WRITING DOWN what I have seen has been creative and fun for me. The students look at what other classes decide or vote for, their likes and ‘not so much likes’ 🙂 it begins to build community in all types of ways – the tally – who would have thought that?

Not me! A Creative Person? I never would have thought the tally could be used in so many different ways and for a multitude of purposes.

Peanuts & Pepsi

Peanuts and Pepsi

The plastic seat covers made that crinkly sound like a thousand pieces of Saran Wrap crunching together at the same time. Little square indentations on my legs reminded me that I had sat on the car seat far too long and I needed a break. Hot blasting air assaulted my face and rampaged my hair, flipping it around and stinging my cheeks. Oklahoma in summer time, red dirt, hot air, fast wind and flat land. The asphalt roads traced their checkerboard patterns across the waving wheat field landscape; we were on our way to grandma’s house.

The gas station attendant nodded his head and handed me the ladies paddle shaped key ring, dad stood in front of the water cooler as he pulled out three Pepsi bottles. I knew his next steps would take him to the peanut bags on the counter by the attendant. I knew we would be there a few more minutes than my mom would prefer. Dad had his, “I’m going to strike up a conversation with this nice young man,” look on his face. Dad could talk a stuck fly off of the fly paper prison on the wall. Dad could sew a yarn and tell a tale and dad knew people.

When I returned with the funny shaped key ring, dad was engrossed in an animated conversation about some such thing that I could never remember after our trip. But he and the attendant had shared a sacred moment in time – person to person, face to face, and human being to human being. It never surprised me when dad would invariably be able to connect one unknown person to some person or place he knew through out his life’s experience – like I said – dad knew people. He knew how to talk fish to fishermen, logs to loggers and shoes to potential shoe buyers. Dad was a salesman.

We both made the blustery trek back to the parked car, and heard the familiar, “J.L., what took you so long?” She knew, but she asked the question anyway. It was the opening line of the beginning saga of the gas stop encounter story dad would tell us for the remaining miles of the trip as we drank the soda pop and chomped on peanuts. Dad would put his peanuts inside his Pepsi bottle so he had one hand free to drive. His other hand would grasp the Pepsi bottle and as his story would unfold with the Pepsi bottle becoming like a baton a conductor holds, pausing and waving emphatically just at the right moments in the musical composition of his unfolding story.

“Well,” he would answer, “You know that young man in there knew old Larson that lives on Chestnut street. Larson used to drive his school bus, we had a great talk about Larson, it reminded me of…” and dad would continue his monologue entering the new information he learned from his new found friend at the gas station. We would laugh, sigh, and I would sit on those silly square shaped plastic car seat covers and never even notice I was uncomfortable because dad was spinning his yarn, creating life in the fast moving vehicle.

We were on our way to grandma’s house, eating peanuts, drinking Pepsi, and listening to dad’s real life adventure. Life just didn’t get much better than that!

cStacey Britton 23.12.2004 (story dated back to the early 1970’s and the names of Larson…were not original names)


Grandpa’s Farm Series


I remember the ants…
Red, stinging, biting ants!
Ants in my pants,
Ants in my shoes,
Ants in my hair,
I was covered with BIG RED ANTS!

Ouch! I cried as I stood up and stomped
Swiping my hair
Pounding my bottom
Scuffing my shoes
MOM!! I yelled…

Now I was running!
Running away from those. Old red ants.
A quick bath
A new outfit
Different shoes
Combed hair

AAAAH!! A tootsie pop
Life just doesn’t get much better than that,
When you’re seven.

Stacey Britton c27Aug2007

Teddy & Ruth

I often joke about our dog, how she is totally spoiled and untrained, but actually she is one of the most loving pets I have ever owned. For someone that has owned many pets, this actually a high compliment, and not earned very easily. Case in point:
I recently returned from a weekend away in which there was a small teddy bear left in my room for a small fee. It just so happened that particular evening I really needed a teddy bear to cuddle and cry many tears upon. The following day, I did the same, the poor teddy, was a bit damp as I tucked him away in my luggage.
When I returned home I unpacked said Teddy, I placed him amongst my collection in front of the fire place and beside our TV. Eight or nine bears now were a part of the collection in that part of our home. I quickly forgot about that Teddy.
A few days later my husband came home and found the said bear held gently between our dog’s paws and she was carefully licking every place I had cried my tears. My husband did not know the significance of why the dog chose that particular bear over the several others she could have chosen from, so he was a bit unsure as to the significance since our dog had never chosen a bear to cuddle before.
A few days later my husband and I were discussing the new bear and he mentioned how he had found our dog tenderly cleaning every part of the small little bear.
I paused the conversation as I pondered why that bear might be different than all the other bears…then I knew why. She was washing away every tear that I had cried, I responded, “Oh, I know, I cried a bucket full of tears on that bear.”

A silent tear rolled down my face, as I remembered the scripture that talks about how at the end of all time our tears will be wiped away. I realized in a small way my dear dog had reminded me, that I was not alone in that room crying all those tears, that God had been there with me and…

There will come a time when there will be no more need for tears.
Revelation 21:4
‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

Stacey Britton

I Hate Arguments!

20140322 gardenI HATE disagreements,

I DISLIKE arguments,

I DON’T like chaos, messes or bad words. Why I had three boys I will never know, maybe because I originally wanted four boys but just couldn’t make it through another idea of the birthing process again. I know all of this sounds cowardly but if you knew my whole life story you would be shaking your head and saying,

‘You go girl.’

So we have established that I like peace. Peace of mind, Peaceful words, Peaceful thoughts… Boys, my boys, are loving, kind at heart BUT if you cross them, get out-of-the-way.

Tonight the ‘discussion’ concerned a pair of slippers… oi!! My youngest after a 15 minute verbal battle with the middle son, stated it in such a wonderful way. “Well, you know mom, if I would have just agreed with him instead of being stubborn, we would not have had the argument for 15 minutes, but I just decided I wanted to disagree and ‘have it out.'” OI!!! I was mad. I was REALLY mad. I went to my room for a time out. 🙂

Now I realize this sounds like I am a push over, I am NOT. I like a great discussion just like the next person, debates, thoughtful rebuttals and so forth. But arguing just for the sake of carrying on a verbal battle…not for me.

Did I say how much I hate arguments?