Reflections on a Walk

One moment kept repeating in her mind. A quick picture, then a short movie clip. One moment in time, she didn’t know which moment, where or when just that at some point this moment, this one moment most definitely would occur. Her mind wandered to the details in each step, how the main character walked, the audience, who the character spoke to and the resulting tidal wave of emotion that occurred as a result of the beginning step. One step, one moment. What did it all mean?
She kept seeing a tree, very old, with one exposed large white root growing outward away from the other roots. This root was large, was vibrating with life, pulsing and almost moving. One moment in time, a flash, what did it mean? She knew who is was for, who the tree represented, the timing, but the meaning of the root escaped her. She pondered the step, she pondered the tree, were they connected somehow?
She felt the burning of her skin, the ache in her muscles and bones, she felt the pain of dehydration and cracked, swollen lips, she knew where she was, knew what she was suffering. Yet, in her home, her skin was fine, she was fully hydrated and experienced no pain of her own. Her suffering was of sorrow and mourning for those who were suffering. Again she asked the question, are these pictures and experiences connected?
Miraculous? A gifting and calling? OR just the day to day relationship between God her Father and his dearly beloved daughter? Trusting her with things He was concerned about and wanting to bring about for His Kingdom work. Why me? She often asked, the still small voice would once again resound in her heart and mind: I chose you because you listen. It is not because of who you are but because of who I am in you. You are mine. I love you.

May 27, 2016 Reflections on a Walk