Reflections on a Walk

One moment kept repeating in her mind. A quick picture, then a short movie clip. One moment in time, she didn’t know which moment, where or when just that at some point this moment, this one moment most definitely would occur. Her mind wandered to the details in each step, how the main character walked, the audience, who the character spoke to and the resulting tidal wave of emotion that occurred as a result of the beginning step. One step, one moment. What did it all mean?
She kept seeing a tree, very old, with one exposed large white root growing outward away from the other roots. This root was large, was vibrating with life, pulsing and almost moving. One moment in time, a flash, what did it mean? She knew who is was for, who the tree represented, the timing, but the meaning of the root escaped her. She pondered the step, she pondered the tree, were they connected somehow?
She felt the burning of her skin, the ache in her muscles and bones, she felt the pain of dehydration and cracked, swollen lips, she knew where she was, knew what she was suffering. Yet, in her home, her skin was fine, she was fully hydrated and experienced no pain of her own. Her suffering was of sorrow and mourning for those who were suffering. Again she asked the question, are these pictures and experiences connected?
Miraculous? A gifting and calling? OR just the day to day relationship between God her Father and his dearly beloved daughter? Trusting her with things He was concerned about and wanting to bring about for His Kingdom work. Why me? She often asked, the still small voice would once again resound in her heart and mind: I chose you because you listen. It is not because of who you are but because of who I am in you. You are mine. I love you.

May 27, 2016 Reflections on a Walk

What Do You Hold in Your Hand?

Prayer: Lord, keep me ever mindful that You have given us all gifts. Gifts and strengths that we can share with others. Please help me to remember that my weaknesses and places of need are also a gift, that when I reach out to others for help they are then able to give as I receive. In this way may we become ambassadors of Your Love. ~Stacey


What do you hold in your hand?

Ken Medema has graced the Christian music arena for over forty years. I first heard his music the summer of 1979 as I attended a concert by Living Faith, a music travelling group from Central Christian College, McPherson, KS. The song was titled: Moses.

Simple, but in the hands of a master musician, impacting, so much so that at pivotal times in my life, times when inner discontent or a strong yearning to readjust is needed I am reminded of the ending lines of this powerful song.

As a masterful story teller Ken retells the story of the leader with a huge failure in his past falling from being a leader in the land of Egpyt, a son of Egpyt to tending sheep in the desert for forty years. One day he finds a bush that is burning and when he comes close to the bush it speaks to him, the Lord, His God Jehovah speaks and he is told to take off his sandals he’s on holy ground. At this point the song picks up the Biblical narrative and focuses on the only tool that Moses has in his hands: a staff, a shepherd’s staff. God asks Moses to throw it down.

Then a conversation begins as Moses explains why he can’t throw down the staff, in the end Moses throws down the staff and it becomes a snake and as Moses picks it up again the staff returns to its former state. It is at this point that God let’s Moses in on the ‘call’ on his life: set my people free… Moses fights him, argues how he cannot possibly do what God is asking. In the end we know the story, how Moses becomes the great leader as played by Charlton Heston on the big screen – a classic. (smile)

It is at the point where Moses ends the conversation with God that the master musician turns the same question towards the listeners. In the final stanzas of music he asks us to apply the lesson of Moses into our lives:

“What do you hold in your hand today? To what or to whom are you bound? Are you willing to give it to God right now? Give it up, let it go, throw it down.”

These are the lines I return to time and time again, what am I holding onto that is keeping me from going forward with God’s plan, where is He calling me to step forward in faith and obey? Am I clinging to things in my life that are not good, that get in the way of His voice In my life – whether that is through His word, others’ influence or when I am impressed by His presence in the life happens through the course of time?

What am I holding in my hand? Am I using those things to further the Kingdom, am I walking by faith not by the way the just ‘makes sense to me’ in my head? Am I willing to lay down my own will, my own way, my own comfort zone to embrace the ‘Pharaoh’s’ in the land, to free the oppressed, to lead the leaderless?

What am I holding in my hand?

These questions either bring peace and a ‘continue’ or ‘as you were’ or this still small voice begins to speak into my life re-directions, realignments, but mostly peace fills my heart and I continue on my way refreshed and ready for the next step.

I share this because sometimes this whole process takes weeks and sometimes a few moments. Sometimes I go through seasons of hearing and knowing that change needs to happen but not knowing exactly what to do, or how best to wait. It is a process, it takes time and attention and sometimes using a song helps me center on important questions that bring clarity and cut through the clutter in my mind.

What do you hold in your hand?

The story “Moses” discussed here is from Exodus chapters 2-4 in the Bible.
The song “Moses” by Ken Medema can be found on YouTube

Teddy & Ruth

I often joke about our dog, how she is totally spoiled and untrained, but actually she is one of the most loving pets I have ever owned. For someone that has owned many pets, this actually a high compliment, and not earned very easily. Case in point:
I recently returned from a weekend away in which there was a small teddy bear left in my room for a small fee. It just so happened that particular evening I really needed a teddy bear to cuddle and cry many tears upon. The following day, I did the same, the poor teddy, was a bit damp as I tucked him away in my luggage.
When I returned home I unpacked said Teddy, I placed him amongst my collection in front of the fire place and beside our TV. Eight or nine bears now were a part of the collection in that part of our home. I quickly forgot about that Teddy.
A few days later my husband came home and found the said bear held gently between our dog’s paws and she was carefully licking every place I had cried my tears. My husband did not know the significance of why the dog chose that particular bear over the several others she could have chosen from, so he was a bit unsure as to the significance since our dog had never chosen a bear to cuddle before.
A few days later my husband and I were discussing the new bear and he mentioned how he had found our dog tenderly cleaning every part of the small little bear.
I paused the conversation as I pondered why that bear might be different than all the other bears…then I knew why. She was washing away every tear that I had cried, I responded, “Oh, I know, I cried a bucket full of tears on that bear.”

A silent tear rolled down my face, as I remembered the scripture that talks about how at the end of all time our tears will be wiped away. I realized in a small way my dear dog had reminded me, that I was not alone in that room crying all those tears, that God had been there with me and…

There will come a time when there will be no more need for tears.
Revelation 21:4
‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

Stacey Britton

I’m Ready, Are You?

images (35) beach
It occurred to me today that I have just been given the opportunity of a lifetime! A rare glimpse of possibilities that could make a great impact on others lives…

But alas I didn’t finish the post and I have no idea what I was thinking, so maybe it wasn’t such a lifetime opportunity after all?

But really, isn’t each day the opportunity of a lifetime? After all we only have the moment we are living right at this time? So in a way, each day is the “opportunity of a lifetime…” A sobering thought somehow. The last word I uttered could really be my last. The last conversation…could become the last memory someone has of me. The last day…an opportunity to leave a wonderful impact  on someone.

I’m glad I laugh a lot, smile a lot, and say nice things a lot – not always though. Sometimes I ask tough questions, give the ‘teacher look’ or just put my hand up and my head down to stop whatever action is happening at the moment. This train of thought is causing me to consider my days, to treasure those I care about and to not waste any ‘moment.’ Gently holding all yet ready to leave at a moment’s notice. I’m ready…are you?

I’m ready because Jesus is my rock, my source of living, my Savior and my Lord. Because He is the center of who I am and what I am about. Do you know Him? He knows you. He longs to be your Lord, find Him in the Bible. John 3:16 says that God loved  everyone, He loves you, so He sent Jesus, and those that believe in Jesus will have eternal life with Him. Believe that Jesus is the son of God, ask Him to show you who He is and He will!

What Defines You?

images (35) butterfly in cocooon

Journal Entry – July 20, 2008

It’s not how you behave
when things go well,
but how you behave
when you face trials and disappointments,
that defines you.


It’s not how nicely you can treat people
when you face them
but what you say behind their back
when no one is listening
that defines you.

It is not what you think,
but what actually comes
out of your mouth
that defines you.

What Defines You?