A Life of Faith

It has only been in the last few years that I have grown to deeply appreciate the life of faith my mother had. She faced so many physical challenges… major ones like blindness, paralysis, and finally death. I always considered her the rock, the faithful, stable one. She could tell a terrifically funny story and laugh with the best of them. But she could also say just the right word at the right time. She was a Godly woman.

Pain was her frequent companion and it was not uncommon to wake up in the middle of the night to her tears and cries from pain that would not subside and from which there was no remedy. Yet, even in this her faith did not waiver, her prayer life was deepened and I watched her grow in grace as her body slipped away.

Gentleness and graciousness is not talked about much anymore. Be strong, independent and know how to speak your mind is touted as the new norm. But to know the grace of a word spoken in kindness when the speaker is full of raging pain, is to know the fullness of the Savior’s transformational and indwelling power in the life of mortal mankind.

I miss my mom. I miss her quick word  of encouragement when all seemed lost. Her smile and pat on the hand when words just wouldn’t suffice. Her life was marked by suffering and victory, faith and prayer. She and dad loved to cut a rug dancing the night away when they dated, I’m sure the two of them have the twinkle toes award in Heaven… I can imagine both of them dancing before their Lord, free of pain and completely full of the joy of the Lord, no more tears…

Tonight, Christmas Eve Night,  as my family gathers to read the Christmas story once more, talk of how the Lord brought us through another year and pray together I will thank the Lord for loving parents that taught me the real reason for this season.  Jesus, Messiah, come to all for all. My parents worship at His throne every day, fully known and known fully. I can hardly wait…


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